The importance of checking in with yourself when you work for yourself

There are plenty of reasons that people decide to work for themselves in whatever capacity. However, one of the biggest disadvantages of having to work for yourself is that you don’t always get the same level of accountability as you would in a more formal work setting.

Lots of places of employment will have regular meetings where employees are checked on by management to see what’s go9ing well and what’s going not so well for them. So when you’re your own responsibility, it’s important to take the time to check on yourself and your own wellbeing.

You wouldn’t manage a website without using a usability testing tool before publishing it, so why shouldn’t you take the time to look out for yourself and your own wellbeing a little? 

How do you do that, exactly? This blog will explore some of the ways to take a mental health check and to start doing the things that let you start living your best life. 

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Identify your triggers

Is there something bothering you? Certain triggers exist to show you that that you need to take some time to yourself. Knowing which environments trigger specific emotions give you the opportunity to check on yourself before becoming distressed. Some internal cues are experienced from within and can help you to identify exactly what you need, much like how when you get thirsty you need water. Shoulder pain can be a sign that you need to relax and unwind, releasing some of the pressure from your body. 


Meditation isn’t that easy for everyone–in particular those who have busy minds. However, the more you practice, the easier it is to do and to allow yourself to let some of the thoughts that can stop you from being able to relax. Meditation and mindfulness help you to improve concentration, to relax, and create new thought patterns. 

The art of meditation can also help you to learn to focus on your breathing. Start with taking deep, slow breaths to begin your meditation practice. Notice how each breath makes you feel. 


Lots of people will journal in order to get all of their big feelings out in the open. Writing down the things that bother you can help you to get things off your chest if you have nobody to confide in. The act of getting rid of these thoughts can often help you to rationalise the things that were making you feel stressed. Journaling can also be an excellent way for you to be able to look back on and celebrate your wins. 

Take yourself on a date 

Start enjoying spending time in your own company outside of the space you’d usually work. Going out to places alone means that you can enjoy the space you give yourself to breathe while taking care of some of your essential needs. So take that book to a coffee shop, take that spa day, and go for that walk on your own. Of course, there’s time for friendships and investing in relationships, but you’re important, too.

*Collaborative post*
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