How To Prepare For Your First Long Drive
A long drive can be exciting but also requires a lot of planning to ensure everything goes smoothly. It is normal to be uncertain about how to prepare for a long drive if this is your first time. A two-hour drive can even feel like a long drive if you are a fresh driver. Fatigue is common when driving long distances, and a recent UK survey revealed that about 4 million drivers slept behind the wheel. Considering the risk, learning a few things before taking off is practical. If you’re embarking on a long trip or facing the motorways for the first time, below are four tips to remember.
- Wear comfortable clothing and stay hydrated
When you drive for a long time, your feet and ankle will feel the brunt. However, wearing the right clothing and shoes can keep you feeling relaxed and improve your vehicle control. This way, you can quickly respond to any traffic or road conditions changes. Also, remember to pack for all eventualities. Clean water, healthy fruits and snacks can replenish your energy and keep you active and awake throughout the journey. Staying properly hydrated can also help keep tiredness and fatigue at bay.
- Prepare your car
Your vehicle is the main mechanism for taking a long trip. You will likely spend more time on the road if your car is not well-prepared for the journey. Aside from checking the car and fixing any mechanical problems, ensure to get the essential tools for any unexpected breakdowns and emergencies on the road. Also, get sufficient fuel, especially if you are unfamiliar with the route and refuelling points on the road. Remember to change your filter and oil and get a spare tire. Consider your car insurance or upgrade your policy before the trip. Additionally, if you’re driving a Jaguar, resources like Jaguar Assist can provide all the road assistance and insurance you need to cover your long road trips.
- Get plenty of sleep before driving
Driving while exhausted can affect your concentration. So it would help if you thought about it before setting off. It would be best to get at least seven hours of good night’s sleep for consecutive nights to boost your energy reserves before the beginning of your journey. It is advisable to begin the drive in the morning when your energy levels are up instead of setting off after a long day at work. The latter is okay if you intend to stop a few times on the road. Regular breaks, approximately every two hours, throughout the journey can keep you feeling fresh and boost your alertness.
- Curate a music playlist to keep you entertained
Nothing keeps you alive and awake more than good music when driving. Music can be your greatest companion whether you ride alone or have company. Making a playlist of your favourite tunes can soothe the discomfort of driving a long distance. Consequently, the feeling of calm and pleasure can reduce physical discomfort and allow you to keep driving for several hours. Remember to take breaks and stretch to prevent your muscles from cramping. You can also consider other entertaining games to eliminate boredom and keep you excited and alert during the long drive.